Meeting Minutes 6/6/23 (Planning Board)

Planning Board meeting minutes 6/6/23 

Members Present:

Jason Tuning, Board Chair

Wayne Landers

David Steiginga

Patrick Wiater

Fred Griffen

Others Present:  Jake Brown, Michael Myers, Tim Bearup, Carolyn Nowalk

A motion was made by Jason Tuning, seconded by Fred Griffen to call the meeting to order at 4:00pm.

Ayes: all Nays: none motion carried

Jake Brown presented his subdivision drawing to the planning board and explained why her would like to do the subdivision.

A motion was made by Jason Tuning, seconded by Fred Griffen approve Jake Brown’s subdivision to go before the Town Board.

Ayes: all Nays: none motion carried

Clerk Nowalk instructs Jake Brown that in order to go before the Town Board with this project he must have completed application, pay the fee and provide 6 copies of all paperwork PRIOR to the Town Board meeting,

Michael Meyers explains to the Planning Board that he has recently purchased the Loomis property on Telephone Road, 17 acres, and he would like to build a housing development.  Simple homes with a 1 car garage that he would sell to buyers, not rent.

The Board discusses with Tim how many violation letters have been sent.  Next steps discussed, violation letters, appearance tickets, court process.

The next meeting will be July 11, 2023 at 4pm at the Town Hall.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:30 pm was made by Jason Tuning and seconded by Patrick Wiater.

Respectfully submitted;

Carolyn Nowalk

Planning Board Clerk