Planning Board meeting minutes Emergency meeting 1/16/24 

Members Present:

Jason Tuning

Sharon Wiater

David Steiginga

Also Present: Tim Bearup, Carolyn Nowalk

A motion was made by Jason Tuning, seconded by Dave Steiginga to call the meeting to order at 4:37pm.

Ayes: all Nays: none motion carried

Jason & Tim did a walk through of the old bank building last Friday.  Jason has concerns with the dry rot in the floors and the overall structural soundness of the building.

Jason proposes that the planning board require a structural assessment of the building by a structural engineer.

A motion was made by Dave Steiginga, seconded by Sharon Wiater to require a structural assessment of the building by an engineer.

Ayes: all Nays: none motion carried

There are also parking concerns for the same building since his plan is to have a couple of apartments as well as the coffee shop.  The planning board believes the best way to make room for parking would be to tear down the “carriage house” building that is attached to the back.  Parking space requirements are 10 x 20 minimum.

A motion was made by Jason Tuning, seconded by Sharon Wiater to have Tim Bearup do a “Stop work order”.

Ayes: all Nays: none motion carried

The next meeting will be February 6, 2024 at 4pm at the Town Hall.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:37 pm was made by Jason Tuning and seconded by Sharon Waiter.

Ayes: all Nays: none motion carried

Respectfully submitted;

Carolyn Nowalk

Planning Board Clerk