Minutes of the Regular meeting of the Town Board of Cincinnatus held September 14, 2023 at the town hall commencing at 6:30PM.

Present: Luann King, Supervisor

                     Michael Stafford, Councilperson

                     Ron Constantino, Councilperson

Mark Christian, Councilperson 

Johnathan McKee, Councilperson

Recording Secretary: Carolyn Nowalk, Town Clerk

Also Present: Steve Mudge, Highway Superintendent

Joan Coombs

Sharon Constantino

  1. Call to Order, meeting was called to order by Supervisor King at 6:20pm.

  2. Pledge of Allegiance – already done for public hearing

  3. Approve minutes of Public Hearing from August 10, 2023

A motion to approve Item #3 as presented was made by M. Stafford, seconded by M. Christian.

Ayes: Christian, Constantino, King, Stafford, McKee

Nays: 0 motion carried

  1. Approve minutes of Regular meeting from August 10, 2023

A motion to approve Item #4 as presented was made by M. Christian, seconded by M. Stafford.

Ayes: Christian, Constantino, King, Stafford, McKee

Nays: 0 motion carried

  1. Financial Reports: Town Clerk, Water Clerk, Justice, Joint Youth – reports attached

A motion to approve Item #5 as presented was made by R. Constantino, seconded by J. McKee.

Ayes: Stafford, Christian, Constantino, King, McKee

Nays: 0 motion carried

 Public Participation – none

  1. Budget Review – proposed 2024 budget attached

  2. Reports:

    1. Highway – Amnesty Days this weekend Friday, Sept. 15th; Saturday, Sept. 16th; Monday, Sept. 18th 8:00am – 2:00pm each day

Piety Hill project complete

started pickleball court at Town Park

  1. Water – none

  2. Planning – minutes attached – copies of proposed solar law changes 

  3. Code Enforcement – report attached

  4. Beautification – ordered 2 more snowflakes

  5. Joint Youth – soccer has wrapped up

  6. SPCA – no report

  7. Historian – Beth & Joanne have gone through and indexed all documents from the safe

  8. Town Attorney – none

  1. Old Business – working on pickleball court at town park with highway and water departments.  Waiting on DASNY to send ID# for the $75,000 to begin billing

  2. New Business –

    1.  Resolution designating representatives to the Greater Tompkins COunty Municipal Health Insurance Consortium Board of Directors

A motion to approve Item #10 A as presented was made by M. Stafford, seconded by M. Christian.

Ayes: Stafford, Christian, Constantino, King, McKee

Nays: 0 motion carried

  1. Local Law #2 of 2023

A motion to approve Item #10 B as presented was made by J. McKee, seconded by M. Stafford.

Ayes: Stafford, Christian, Constantino, King, McKee

Nays: 0 motion carried

  1. Purchase of 550 gasoline truck for highway

A motion to acknowledge the purchase of a 550 gasoline truck as presented was made by J. McKee, seconded by M. Christian.

Ayes: Stafford, Christian, Constantino, King, McKee

Nays: 0 motion carried

  1. Warrants – Disbursements from the funds as follows:

AO: $ 23,678.59

DA: $ 40,160.86

SL:  $     733.85

SW: $  1,675.84

A motion to approve warrants as presented was made by M. Stafford, seconded by R. Constantino.

Ayes: Stafford, Christian, Constantino, King, McKee

Nays: 0 motion carried

  1. Adjournment

A motion to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:58 was made by J. McKee, seconded by R. Constantino.

Ayes: Stafford, Christian, Constantino, King, McKee

Nays: 0 motion carried

The next meeting of the Town Board will be held on October 12, 2023 at 6:30pm in the Town Hall.

Respectfully Submitted,

Carolyn Nowalk, Cincinnatus Town Clerk