Planning Board meeting minutes 12/6/23 

Members Present:

Jason Tuning

Patrick Wiater

David Steinginga

Fred Griffen

Wayne Landers

A motion was made by Jason Tuning, seconded by Dave Steinginga to call the meeting to order at 4:05pm.

Ayes: all Nays: none motion carried

The Planning Board reviewed ordinances and will make suggestions and submit them to the Town Board.

This is Patrick’s last meeting on the Planning Board as he will join the Town Board January 1, 2024.

The next meeting will be January 9, 2024 at 4pm at the Town Hall.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:04  pm was made by Jason Tuning and seconded by Fred Griffen.

Ayes: all Nays: none motion carried

Respectfully submitted;

Carolyn Nowalk

Planning Board Clerk