Planning Board meeting minutes 11/7/23 

Members Present:

Jason Tuning

Patrick Wiater

Fred Griffen

Wayne Landers

Others Present: Carolyn Nowalk

A motion was made by Jason Tuning, seconded by Fred Griffen to call the meeting to order at 4:08pm.

Ayes: all Nays: none motion carried

The Planning Board discussed requiring businesses to have an “exit plan” in place for vacating the Town.  They will look and see if other towns have anything like this in place.

The Planning Board will continue to work on ordinances, including the possibility of adding a noise ordinance.

The next meeting will be December 6, 2023 at 4pm at the Town Hall.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:47 pm was made by Jason Tuning and seconded by Patrick Wiater.

Ayes: all Nays: none motion carried

Respectfully submitted;

Carolyn Nowalk

Planning Board Clerk