Planning Board meeting minutes 10/3/23
Members Present:
Jason Tuning
David Steiginga
Patrick Wiater
Fred Griffen
Others Present: Carolyn Nowalk, Sharon Wiater
A motion was made by Jason Tuning, seconded by David Steiginga to call the meeting to order at 4:12pm.
Ayes: all Nays: none motion carried
The Planning Board went over the plans given to Tim by the owner of the former Bennett Hotel.
The current conditions in the building exceed the allowable number of units along with several other violations of codes, along with the fact that there is no Certificate of Occupancy for the building.
The Planning Board agrees that the building needs to be limited to 6 units per code and all of Section 715 Codes need to be met. Tim will prepare a letter to send to him.
Tim would like the Planning Board to look at Section 625 regarding camping trailers as there are quite a few in town now..
It was mentioned that maybe the Town should have some guidelines for “tiny houses” as well.
The next meeting will be November 7, 2023 at 4pm at the Town Hall.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:05 pm was made by Jason Tuning and seconded by Fred Griffen.
Ayes: all Nays: none motion carried
Respectfully submitted;
Carolyn Nowalk
Planning Board Clerk