LPlanning Board meeting minutes 4/7/22 

Members Present:

Jason Tuning, Board Chair

David Steiginga

Fred Griffen

Wayne Landers

A motion was made by Fred Griffen, seconded by Wayne Landers to call the meeting to order at 6:03pm.

Ayes: 4  Nays: 0     motion carried

A motion was made by David Steiginga, seconded by Wayne Landers to accept the meeting minutes of 3/3/22.

Ayes: 4  Nays: 0     motion carried

Fred discussed the workshops he attended hosted by the Division of Local Government Services. He discussed the importance of having an up to date Town Comprehensive Plan or Master Plan. The last time Cincinnatus’s Comprehensive Plan was updated was 10/10/1990. The board decided to go through the old Comprehensive Plan and make edits, and amendments so it is more up to date to the current demographics of the town. This process could also include enlisting college students to assist.  He discussed that town planning boards get “home rule” and can make laws as they wish. (see attached)

Jason discussed townspeople and their current permits for building. He discussed that there needs to be more clarity in the zoning laws regarding temporary structures and what that exactly means (no foundation, liveable, ect.). There is a need for more secure wording regarding temporary structures. He explained that there can be special variance to the permits, so not everyone can turn a garage into a house. 

The board discussed amending the zoning laws to prevent vacant buildings and junkyards within the town. They would like to amend the wording regarding the junkyard section of the zoning laws. They would also like to create new zoning laws to prevent what is currently happening with the large amount of tires being brought into a residential address on Route 41.

A motion was made by Jason Tuning, seconded by David Steiginga to adjourn the meeting at 7:01pm.

Ayes: 4  Nays: 0     motion carried

The next meeting of the Cincinnatus Planning Board will be May 5, 2022 at 6pm at the Town Hall.  

Respectfully submitted;

Cheyenne Nowalk

Planning Board Clerk