Planning Board meeting minutes 2/8/22 

Members Present:

Jason Tuning, Board Chair

David Steiginga

Fred Griffen

Wayne Landers – arrived at 6:43 pm

A motion was made by Jason Tuning, seconded by David Steiginga to call the meeting to order at 6:07pm.

Ayes: 3  Nays: 0     motion carried

A motion was made by Jason Tuning, seconded by Fred Griffen to accept the meeting minutes of 1/11/22.

Ayes: 3  Nays: 0     motion carried

The Town Clerk & Code Officer have had a request from a solar company for the zoning maps for the property located at 2401 Route 26.  The parcel is currently for sale, 100 acres for $340,000.

Jason talked to Trisha Jessut today and she gave him some suggestions for options for both requirements and wording in the new solar laws the planning board could add into current laws while reviewing them.

Examples: notification to neighbors, minimum output percentage, environmental assessment impact reviews.

Trisha also shared that Harford has some new solar law wording going to their Board this week and we can take a look at their final copy and compare it with what we are working on.

The County Planning Board has to review any proposed changes that a town planning board makes, they will then make recommendations and approve and then it will come back to the town board to be passed into law.

The pages that the planning board has been working on are attached with additions in red.  

Additional proposed changes discussed tonight are on Page 7.

v. remove the words “or one hundred feet” and “whichever is greater”


ix. environmental impact assessment

The Town Board has a public hearing on Thursday to discuss changes to local laws regarding solar, wind and gas with the possibility of putting a 6 month moratorium in place.

Discussion was had about benefits to township, the planning board feels that should be a requirement that the townspeople benefit in some way from an energy source that is brought into the town.  Jason will ask County Planning if that is something we can require.

A motion was made by Jason Tuning, seconded by Wayne Landers to adjourn the meeting at 7:25pm.

Ayes: 4  Nays: 0     motion carried

The next meeting of the Cincinnatus Planning Board will be March 8, 2022 at 6pm at the Town Hall.  **Jason may email everyone to discuss moving the meeting to the first Thursday of the month instead of the second Tuesday.**

Respectfully submitted;

Carolyn Nowalk

Planning Board Clerk