Minutes of the Public Hearing of the Town Board of Cincinnatus held February 10, 2022 at the town hall commencing at 6:30PM for the purpose of discussion of a moratorium to allow Planning Board to revisit local laws and wording regarding solar, wind and gas.

Present: Luann King, Supervisor

                     Mark Christian, Councilperson

                     Jonathan Mckee, Councilperson

Recording Secretary: Carolyn Nowalk, Town Clerk

Excused: Michael Stafford, Steven Mudge

Pledge of Allegiance

Call To Order; the meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Supervisor King.

There was no public participation.

Minutes of the Regular meeting of the Town Board of Cincinnatus held February 10, 2022 at the town hall commencing at 7:00PM.

Present: Luann King, Supervisor

                     Mark Christian, Councilperson

                     Michael Stafford, Councilperson

                     Jonathan Mckee, Councilperson

Recording Secretary: Carolyn Nowalk, Town Clerk

Also Present: Allie Potter Jr., Highway Superintendent

Ted Crawford

Mitchell Eccleston

Excused: Steve Mudge

  1. Call To Order; the meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor King.

  2. Approve the meeting  minutes of 1/13/22.  

A motion to approve the 1/13/22 meeting minutes was made by Mark Christian, seconded by Johnathan McKee.

Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 motion carried

  1. Financial Report – Town Clerk, Water Clerk, County Treasurer and 4th quarter workers comp report, Joint youth

A motion was made to accept the financial reports by Johnathan McKee, seconded by Michael Stafford.  

Ayes: 4 Nays 0 motion carried

Audit Judicial books – Court Clerk Mitchell Eccleston presented the judicial  books for audit.

A motion was made to approve the audit of the judicial books by Michael Stafford, seconded by Johnathan McKee.  

Ayes: 4 Nays 0 motion carried

  1.  Public Commentary 

Ted Crawford inquired as to why the last town board meeting was closed to the public due to COVID.  Supervisor King explained that there has been COVID exposures within the board, so for the safety of the public the meeting was closed.  It was also noted that both Allie Potter and Carolyn Nowalk ended up with COVID.

Ted Crawfard inquired about the public hearing and possible moratorium.  Supervisor King explained the public hearing was for the discussion of a moratorium to allow the Planning Board to revisit local laws and wording regarding solar, wind and gas.

Reports: – Departments and Sub-Board:

Highway Allie stated that the highway crew has been handling the snow and ice well.  He has concerns regarding South Dutch Hill and a resident dragging logs down the road and leaving the crossways of the seasonal road.  He is concerned about damage to the road as well as snowmobilers trying to drive through there.  The Boards suggested that Allie contact Charlie Sudbrink at COunty Highway and ask for his help and guidance as well as put Road Closed signs on South Dutch Hill to protect the Town.

Water DistrictTyler – report attached

Planning Board Jason Tuning, Chair The Planning Board minutes included.

There has been a request from Philip Hegedus to be appointed to the planning board.

A motion was made to to deny the request to be appointed to the planning board by Michael Stafford, seconded by Mark Christian.

Ayes: 4 Nays 0 motion carried

Code EnforcementTim Bearup – report attached

Beautification Committeepurchasing new flags

Dog Warden SPCA – report attached

Joint YouthLatta’s are doing Saturday basketball at the school

Town Attorney – Fran Casullo – none

  1. Old Business: Resolution for the moratorium (vote at March meeting) Cortland Planning will meet 2/14/22 to approve

  1.  Establishment of Town Website – Matt Tuning has been working with Luann and Carolyn on creating a website.  Cost will be $1300 for initial setup and Matt will be the IT person if the clerks needs something @ $32.00 per hour.

A motion was made to move forward with the Town website project by Jonathan McKee, seconded by Mark Christian to.  

Ayes: 4 Nays 0 motion carried

  1. New Business:  Municipal Shelter Inspection Report, Dog Control Office Inspection Report

A motion was made to accept shelter and inspection reports by Michael Stafford, seconded by Johnathon McKee.  

Ayes: 4 Nays 0 motion carried

Extension of time to collect taxes to May 31st, 2022.

A motion was made by Michael Stafford, seconded by Jonathan McKee to approve extension of tax collection  

Ayes: 4 Nays 0 motion carried

Citizens Advisory Committee – if interested please apply

Broadband Assessment program/study

Public work information from NYS Dept. of Labor 

  1. Warrants

A motion was made by Jonathan McKee, seconded by Mike Stafford to   approve warrants.  

Ayes: 4 Nays 0 motion carried

  1. Adjournment

A motion was made by Jonathan McKee, seconded by Christian to adjourn the meeting at 7:52pm.

Ayes: 4 Nays 0 motion carried

The next Town Board meeting will be March 10, 2022.  

Respectfully Submitted,

Carolyn Nowalk, Cincinnatus Town Clerk