meeting minutes 2/7/23
Members Present:
Jason Tuning, Board Chair
Fred Griffen
Wayne Landers
David Steiginga
Patrick Wiater
A motion was made by Jason Tuning, seconded by David Steinginga to call the meeting to order at 4:05pm.
The Board discusses how to go about strengthening planning and zoning wording.
The Board discusses a moratorium on solar.
A motion was made by Jason Tuning, seconded by David Steinginga to approve the meeting minutes of 1/3/23.
Future meetings of the Planning Board will be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 4:00pm.
The next meeting will be March 7, 2023 at 4pm at the Town Hall.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:20 pm was made by Jason Tuning and seconded by Fred Griffen.
Respectfully submitted;
Carolyn Nowalk
Planning Board Clerk