Planning Board meeting minutes 3/3/22 

Members Present:

Jason Tuning, Board Chair

David Steiginga

Fred Griffen

Wayne Landers

A motion was made by Jason Tuning, seconded by Wayne Landers to call the meeting to order at 6:10pm.

Ayes: 4  Nays: 0     motion carried

A motion was made by Jason Tuning, seconded by Fred Griffen to accept the meeting minutes of 2/8/22.

Ayes: 4  Nays: 0     motion carried

Emmanuel Pothos came to discuss 2586 Lower Cincinnatus Road.  He has owned it for over 20 years and has run it as a rental but now wants to sell it.  He has potential buyers living there now and would like to know if it could be split into 2 parcels, with the house separated from  the garage/barn.

The Board discussed the issues with that proposed subdivision with Emmanuel.  The half acre size lot would not meet the minimum arcel requirements, nor the minimum road frontage for subdivision.  Mr. Pothos thanks the Board for their time and their decision.

Jason talked to former members of the planning board regarding changes that they had attempted to make to the solar laws in the past.

Fred brought some wording (see attached) that could be added regarding bond/escrow under decommissioning.

Jason has not gotten a copy of Harford’s new solar laws yet.  He will inquire with trisha at County Planning.

David would like to discuss putting laws into place that would prevent what is currently happening with the large amount of tires being brought into a residential address on Route 41.

A motion was made by Jason Tuning, seconded by Fred Griffen to adjourn the meeting at 7:15pm.

Ayes: 4  Nays: 0     motion carried

The next meeting of the Cincinnatus Planning Board will be April 7, 2022 at 6pm at the Town Hall.  

Respectfully submitted;

Carolyn Nowalk

Planning Board Clerk