Minutes of the Regular meeting of the Town Board of Cincinnatus held May 11, 2023 at the town hall commencing at 6:30PM.

Present: Luann King, Supervisor

                     Michael Stafford, Councilperson

                     Ron Constantino, Councilperson

Jonathon McKee, Councilperson

Mark Christian, Councilperson 

Recording Secretary: Carolyn Nowalk, Town Clerk

Also Present: Steve Mudge, Highway Super.

  1. Call to Order, meeting was called to order by Supervisor King at 6:30pm.

  2. Approve minutes of Regular meeting 4/13/23

A motion to approve Item #2 was made by R. Constantino, seconded by J. McKee.

Ayes: Christian, Constantino, King, McKee, Stafford

Nays: 0 motion carried

  1. Financial Reports: Town Clerk, Water Clark – reports attached

A motion to approve Item #3 as presented was made by M. Stafford, seconded by J. McKee.

Ayes: Stafford, Christian, Constantino, King, McKee

Nays: 0 motion carried


  1. Public Participation – none

  2. Reports:

    1. Highway – all filters changed, pothole patching, do another Amnesty Day in the Fall

    2. Water – meters are being read, bills should go out this week.

    3. Planning – minutes attached

    4. Code Enforcement – report attached

    5. Beautification – Flags will be going up 

    6. Joint Youth – baseball has started, summer basketball starting

    7. Historian – see new business below

    8. Attorney – lighting district

  1. Old Business – Lighting District is being worked on by Attorney, he will be present at the June 8 meeting to go over.

Whitmore Fence from Dryden will replace broken fence pieces at Town Park and the Town will send the bill to Mr. Whaley to submit to his insurance.

  1. New Business –  Town Historians would like to review old payroll books (over 25 years old) and any other papers that they feel should be preserved in their historical storage.

A motion to approve Item 73 as presented was made by J. McKee, seconded by M. Christian.

Ayes: Stafford, Christian, Constantino, King, McKee

Nays: 0 motion carried

  1. Warrants – Disbursements from the funds as follows:

AO: $ 13,227.81

DA: $   7,076.56

SL:  $      639.36

SW: $    

A motion to approve warrants as presented was made by M. Stafford, seconded by M. Christian.

Ayes: Stafford, Christian, Constantino, King, McKee

Nays: 0 motion carried

  1. Adjournment

A motion to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:11 was made by M. Christian, seconded by R. Constantino.

Ayes: Stafford, Christian, Constantino, King, McKee

Nays: 0 motion carried

The next meeting of the Town Board will be held on June 8, 2023 at 6:30pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Carolyn Nowalk, Cincinnatus Town Clerk