Minutes of the Regular meeting of the Town Board of Cincinnatus held April 13, 2023 at the town hall commencing at 6:30PM.
Present: Luann King, Supervisor
Michael Stafford, Councilperson
Ron Constantino, Councilperson
Jonathon McKee, Councilperson
Mark Christian, Councilperson – arrives at 6:44 pm
Recording Secretary: Carolyn Nowalk, Town Clerk
Also Present: Steve Mudge, Highway Super.
Travis Gross – arrives at 6:51 pm
Call to Order, meeting was called to order by Supervisor King at 6:31pm.
Approve minutes of Regular meeting 3/9/23
A motion to approve Item #2 was made by M. Stafford, seconded by R. Constantino.
Ayes: Christian, Constantino, King, McKee, Stafford
Nays: 0 motion carried
Financial Reports: Town Clerk, Water Clark, Justice – reports attached
A motion to approve Item #3 as presented was made by J. McKee, seconded by M. Stafford.
Ayes: Stafford, Christian, Constantino, King, McKee
Nays: 0 motion carried
Highway – plows are off, will work on date for Amnesty Day
Water – inspection went well
Planning – minutes attached
Code Enforcement – report attached
Beautification – will ask Pat Rice and Gretchen Shufelt
Joint Youth – Youth baseball using school fields
SPCA – reports attached
Historian – none
Attorney – lighting district
Old Business – Lighting District is being worked on by Attorney
Public Participation – Travis Gross came to speak on behalf of Roadrunners ATV Club, he brought a copy of the local law passed by Taylor. Clerk will send it to the town attorney for his input and thoughts.
New Business – none
Warrants – Disbursements from the funds as follows:
AO: $ 15,264.97
DA: $ 18,639.33
SL: $ 688.25
SW: $ 4,848.43
A motion to approve warrants as presented was made by M. STafford, seconded by M. Christian.
Ayes: Stafford, Christian, Constantino, King, McKee
Nays: 0 motion carried
A motion to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:33 was made by M. Christian, seconded by M. Stafford.
Ayes: Stafford, Christian, Constantino, King, McKee
Nays: 0 motion carried
The next meeting of the Town Board will be held on May 11, 2023 at 6:30pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carolyn Nowalk, Cincinnatus Town Clerk