Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Board of Cincinnatus held May 12, 2022 at the town hall commencing at 7:00PM.

Present: Luann King, Supervisor

                     Mark Christian, Councilperson

                     Jonathan Mckee, Councilperson

Steve Mudge, Councilperson

Recording Secretary: Carolyn Nowalk, Town Clerk

Also Present: Allie Potter Jr., Highway Superintendent

Ted Crawford

Phillip Hegedus

Michael McKee

Jason Tuning

Tim Bearup

  1. Call To Order; the meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor King.

Michael Stafford, Councilperson arrived at 7:02pm.

  1. Approve minutes of the town board meeting of 4/7/22.

A motion to approve the minutes of the town board meeting of 4/7/22 was made by Mark Christian, seconded by Steve Mudge. 

Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 motion carried

  1. Financial Report – Town Clerk, Water Clerk, County Treasurer, Justice

A motion was made to accept the financial reports by Steve Mudge, seconded by Mark Christian.  

Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 motion carried

  1.  Public Commentary 

Ted Crawford asked why the last meeting wasn’t public.  Supervisor King explained to Mr. Crawford that the meeting was public, it was just moved up a week.  Mr. Crawford asked for minutes from that meeting and Supervisor King told him the Town Clerk would provide them to him tonight.

Reports: – Departments and Sub-Board:

Highway Highway’s work report is attached.  They have worked on storm cleanup and getting the trucks equipped for summer.  Allie has gotten approval from CCSW to do the Piety Hill project. Amnesty Day will be June 4, 2022.

Planning Board Jason Tuning, Chair brought an application for variance from Mike McKee that the Planning Board recommends approval of.

A motion was made to approve the application for variance from Michael McKee by Mike Stafford, seconded by Steve Mudge.  

Ayes: Christian, Stafford, Mudge, King Nays: 0 Abstain: McKee motion carried

Code EnforcementTim Bearup – report attached 

Tim updated the Town Board on the progress with getting the Bennett Hotel up to code.

Water DistrictTyler –  report attached.  Tyler has started flushing hydrants

Beautification Committee – wants to put flags up soon, Highway states they do not have time to help due to the fact that they want to put up all new hardware. 

Dog Warden SPCA – report attached

Joint YouthMike basketball is done; softball is underway and soccer will start in July.

Town Attorney – Fran Casullo 

  1. Old Business: Web site – Town Clerk, Carolyn Nowalk discussed the website and how it is up and running, she will be adding all town board meeting minutes to it this weekend.  Sidewalk bids for paper – Carolyn will put in next week.  Tree removal at Heritage Hall – estimate and agreement attached

Port-a-potty will be arriving at town park on June 1, 2022.

  1. New Business:  Executive Session

A motion was made by Supervisor King to move into executive session at 7:33 pm, seconded by Jonathon McKee.

Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 motion carried

A motion was made to move back to public session at 7:40 pm by Mike Stafford, seconded by Jonathon McKee.

Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 motion carried

  1. Approval of the Warrants

A motion was made to approve the warrants by Mark Christian, seconded by Steve Mudge. 

Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 motion carried

  1. Adjournment:

A motion was made by Mike Stafford, seconded by Steve Mudge to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 pm.

Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 motion carried

The next Town Board meeting will be June 9, 2022. 

Respectfully Submitted,

Carolyn Nowalk, Town Clerk